

Why Targeting Your Market Is Essential to Your Business

No matter what type of business you have, you need a target market. There are folks who want and need your products, and the goal of your marketing efforts is to connect with them. Without a clearly defined target market, you're taking shots in the dark and just hoping that you’ll find people who will buy. You have no real idea if you’re aiming too high, too low, or in the wrong direction entirely.

What Is a Target Market?

A target market is a group of people that have related characteristics an…

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Introducing yourself to local businesses

I've just been looking through some of the resources offered by one of the professional bodies. I came across a letter of introduction to local businesses and found it wanting. More than that actually, in my opinion to send it is a wasted stamp.

I've taken the letter and redesigned it into something more likely to get a response. Here are some of the things I think were wrong with the original.

The Title Original : LOCAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE What does this title say to you? Does it really want to m…

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The Essentials of Market Research

Market research gives you a picture of your target market so that you can create and grow a business that meets their needs. You have to know the people in your market perfectly so that you can connect them to the products and services that are best suited for them. In order to do this, you need to gather and analyse hard data about your audience.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data

There are two types of data – quantitative and qualitative. Both are essential for creating an accurate picture of y…

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The Top 5 Methods of Online Market Research

For marketers, the Internet is a blessing. Never has there been so much information about consumers and how they think right at your fingertips. In years past, marketing firms and businesses had to rely solely on costlier, more time consuming methods like focus groups, surveys and other data-gathering methods. Online research offers some excellent shortcuts.

Whenever you start an online marketing campaign, the most basic step is to gather relevant keywords. Keywords are essential but they don't g…

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