A Week From Hell

This last week has been hell. Leaving my office and setting up my desk at home seemed to flick a switch for me.
I was full of positivity and plans, and then depression set in.
I've been short-tempered, and falling out with everyone, including my mum.
The future looked bleak. I've been imagining the worst possible outcomes of everything and generally feeling that my work over the last ten years has been for nothing.
Imposter syndrome has taken over and I feel like a fraud. Two weeks ago I was a finalist for the small business mentor of the year award and this week I don't have the answers to this problem.
Have you felt the same?
Today, though, I spoke to my mum and she made me realise that no matter what happens I will recover. Even if that means starting again.
I realised that no one has the answer to this. We shouldn't feel bad because we can't make it better for our clients or ourselves.
What I offer is my knowledge, and this crisis won't take that away. When it's over, people will still want to build businesses, grow their client base and earn more.
The same is true for you.
Whatever the months ahead bring, you are some of the best and most forward-thinking business people I've ever worked with.
We will weather this storm together, even if that means taking a step or two back, regrouping and attacking the new challenges head-on.
This may feel like the end, but it's not even close.
Small business owners are not like anyone else. They create something of huge value from nothing. They take an idea and grow a business, employ staff and keep the economy flourishing.
We will soldier on because that's what we do. We will look for the next opportunity. We'll pivot our business. We'll do what we need to do to get through this.
What we won't do, what we'll never do, is give up.
Take care of your clients, but more importantly, take care of yourself and your family.
I'll be here for you through this, and when it's over, we'll all rebuild and grow our businesses together. This isn't the end, it's just a blip.
I've been on a rollercoaster this last week, but I'm back and positive. Whatever we need to do, as a profession, to get through this, we will.
I'll be there with you.
If you are feeling the way I was and need to talk, book a free call with me.
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