Is today the day Google destroys your business?

Nickenamed "mobile-geddon" because of the huge effect it could have on many businesses, today Google changed their search algorithm.  Now when users start to search for something using Google on their phone the search giant will give priority to mobile friendly sites.  As the numbers of people using mobile devices increases this could spell disaster for small businesses who don't have mobile ready websites.  Is this you?

Mobile friendly websites will include features that make the page resize properly, have easy-to-read text and large buttons.  Sites that don't have these will find their ranking demoted from today.

This isn't new, Google made the initial announcement back in February.  In spite of this, many websites are still not mobile friendly.  The majority of these will be small businesses like bookkeepers and your clients.

A reported 60% of search traffic now comes from mobile devices.  With figures like these it's understandable that Google wants to provide a better user experience.  The only answer now is to get your site mobile friendly, or risk falling in the rankings.


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